Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not another sermon...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Yes "Don't have sermons every week". I think that there are different way to communicate not just through a standardised sermon. I was thinking how it could be done in my own context in the morning (which for most of us is when people expect to here a good sermon).

Involving children and youth in the service is one way, using props or other media to tell a story. You would be surprised how many children's talk's people remember compared to the Vicar's sermon.

Reorganising the church so people have to sit in different places is another, then involving them in some kind of activity such as making something with clay or the like. Then having people tell about why they made it artwork, what inspired them.

Having several short talks ie 1-3 minutes from people in the congregation about something that has happened to them, in story form or what their favourite bible verse is and why, what it means to them. No one then feels cheated out of not hearing the WORD preached.

All of the above are about teaching people to share their faith and learning to think about the Gospel for themselves. None of them are easy and do require a bit of thought and planning.

1 comment:

  1. My eye actually caught the "zzzzzz" in your title line. Just this week I visited some new people and they told me for the first time in their son's life (4) he actually wants to go to church now on Sundays. Before he would always protest and tell his dad that he hates to sit still and listen to someone talking while he has no idea what he is "yelling" about!

    I totally agree to constantly look at some new innovative ideas how to get the whole family involved and get them to truly engage with the message.
