Monday, August 2, 2010

Grapevines are Free.....

The landscape in Central Otago can often be harsh and dry but in the middle of no where there is a vineyard.

Physically Grapevines are laid out in straight lines yet connected at the top to keep them stable. Grapevines that are positive can inform people and this is transferred quickly. If can provide much needed support for people in practical ways and through prayer, unlike our secular society we can look for communal ways to offer help or up hold people in prayer. The transfer of information is instant sometimes to quickly within minute’s even seconds with our technological devices such as email, cell phones.

Negative Grapevines thrive in dry climates; these can destroy and break up church fellowships but are often strong. For example when the leadership do not share important information with the congregation to keep them informed, or people do not respect an others need for privacy. People often get stroppy that they have not been keep connected to the vine but heard whispers from others. Then off course there is always one or two who like to gossip or are just nosey, as leaders we need to be aware of whom they are and Prune the information they receive so others are not hurt.

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